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Group News

  • Aug 2024

       Congrats to Mo who received a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the FMHS! Well deserved!

  • Aug 2024

       Congrats to Tianxu who received scholarships from the GCI! Well deserved!

  • May 2024
    Congratulations to Tianqin on winning the FRQNT scholarship!

  • April 2024

       Our work on reviewing non-viral vector-based genome editing for cancer immunotherapy was accepted for publication in 

       Biomaterials Science (Emerging Investigator Collection invitation)!  Congrats to the team!

  • April 2024

       Our collaborative work on reviewing sensing patches for biomarker identification in skin-derived biofluids was accepted for

       publication in Biosensors and Bioelectronics!  Congrats to the team!

  • April 2024

       Our work on using trehalose to boost anti-tumor efficacy of cold atmospheric plasma was accepted for publication in

       BiomaterialsCongrats to the team!

  • April 2024

       Congrats to Tianwen who passed his preliminary exam!

  • April 2024

       Our collaborative work on advancements in brain cancer therapeutics was accepted by Exploration! Congrats to the team!

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  • March 2024

       Dr. Chen received the Spring 2024 CIHR-III New Investigator Forum Travel Award for attending the NIF Forum.

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  • March 2024

       Dr. Chen joined the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nanobiotechnology as an Associate Editor. Congrats!

  • Jan 2024

       Tianwen and Taniya joined our lab. Welcome!

  • Nov 2023

       Tianxu gave a presentation at the GCI Spotlight on his work on "Plasma delivery"!


  • Oct 2023

       Our work on bioresponsive and immunotherapeutic nanomaterials for tumor microenvironment modulation now is published in

       Bioactive Materials! Congrats to the team!


  • Sept 2023

       Baoxiang joined our lab. Welcome!

  • July 2023

       Congrats to Yueyang and Tianxu who received scholarships from the GCI! Well deserved!

  • July 2023

       Dr. Chen delivered a talk at Southern University of Science and Technology, as well as Chinese Academy of Sciences 

       Shenzhen Advanced Technology Academe .

  • May 2023

       Our work on injectable cold plasma-activated immunotherapeutic hydrogel now is published in Biomaterials! Congrats to the



  • May 2023

       Dr. Chen delivered a talk at The 2023 CSPS/CC-CRS Annual Symposium.

  • May 2023

       Swetha joined our lab. Welcome!

  • April 2023

       Dr. Chen delivered a talk at The University Research Group on Medicine (GRUM) @ Université de Montréal!

  • April 2023

       Yueyang joined our lab. Welcome!

  • March 2023

       Congrats to Qiujie who passed her preliminary exam!

  • Jan 2023

       Mo and Li joined our lab. Welcome!

  • Nov 2022

       Congrats to Tianxu for passing the comprehensive exam! He is now a PhD candidate!

  • Sept 2022

        Tianqin joined our lab as an M.Sc. student, who is co-supervised with Prof.Jianyu Li. Welcome!

  • Sept 2022

        Our work on reviewing microneedles for non-transdermal applications has been published in Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery!     

        Congratulations to the team!


  • June 2022

       Dr. Chen receives FRQS Chercheurs-boursiers Junior 1 award! Congratulations!

  • June 2022

       We would like to thank the McGill Regenerative Medicine (MRM) network for supporting our project "Bioresponsive nanoformulations

       for CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing" (Spring 2022 MRM Internal Funding Competition)!

  • July 2022

       Our lab received a 5-year Project Grant from CIHR!!! We will work with Dr. Morag Park and Dr. Peter Siegel at McGill and

       Dr. Réjean Lapointe at CHUM on cold plasma-mediated cancer immunotherapy.


  • August 2022

       Our work on reviewing stimuli-responsive nanoformulations for genome editing has been published in Journal of   

       Nanobiotechnology! Congratulations to the team!


  • August 2022

       The invited Highlight entitled "Nanotrackers" for superior disease diagnosis has been published in MedComm – Biomaterials and

        Applications! Congratulations to the team!

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  • May 2022

       Congratulations to Tianxu for passing the pre-comprehensive exam and on receiving the Canderel Travel Award. Great job!!!

       Also, big congrats to three undergrads, Hanwen, Helen, and Mysha, on their graduation!   Hanwen and Helen will join
       Johns Hopkins University.   Mysha receives the Canderel Rising Star Award!   

       All well deserved and best wishes for your next adventure!


  • March 2022

       Dr. Chen was invited to give a presentation at the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association (CBA)-Canada!

  • April 2022

        Our lab receives funding from the NOVA - FRQNT-NSERC Program! We will collaborate with Dr. Maryam Tabrizian (@McGill) and 

       Dr. Jim Hu (@UofT & SickKids) to develop next-generation bioresponsive nanoformulations for genome editing.


  • March 2022

        Jesse receives the MRM Workshop Scholarship. Congratulations!

  • March 2022

       Dr. Chen received the Chinese Association for Biomaterials (CAB) - Young Investigator Award! Congratulations.

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  • March 2022

       Our collaborative work on reviewing cold atmospheric plasma for biomedical applications has been accepted in Materials Today!

       Read more

  • February 2022

       Our lab receives infrastructural support from Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) - John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF).

       Read more!

  • February 2022

       Our lab receives the CCS – Challenge Grant. We will collaborate with Dr. Morag Park and Dr. Peter Sieigel to study new cold plasma

       devices for cancer treatment

  • February 2022

       Our lab receives bridge funding from the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research – Priority Announcement: Fall 2021 Breast Cancer!

  • December 2021

       Our lab received support from the McGill NSERC General Research Grant (GRF)! Congratulations and thanks for the kind support.

  • January 2022

       Dr. Chen was invited to give a seminar at the Cystic Fibrosis Centre @ The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids).

  • December 2021

       Linxuan joined our lab. Welcome!

  • November 2021

       Our collaborative work on reviewing bioinspired microneedle patch for biomedical applications has been accepted for publication in

       Matter !

  • October 2021

       Xiaona joined our lab. Welcome!

  • September 2021

       Our recent collaborative work on cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) for postsurgical cancer treatment is published in Science Advances

       (online image featured)! Read more!

  • August 2021

      Bingzheng joined our lab. Welcome!

  • August 2021

      Tianxu joined our lab. Welcome!

  • July 2021

       Dr. Chen gave a presentation on cold atmospheric plasma for cancer immunotherapy at the TRIC21 (Therapeutic ROS and Immunity

       in Cancer) international conference meeting.

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  • July 2021

       Dr. Chen joined the McGill Institute of Advanced Materials (MIAM).

  • July 2021

       Hanwen and Mysha joined our lab. Welcome!

  • June 2021

       Dr. Chen has been invited to serve as an Editorial Board member for Biomaterials (IF=12.5)!

  • June 2021

       Our patent on the non-viral delivery system for ribonucleoprotein (CRISPR/Cas) has been granted! Congratulations to the team!

  • June 2021

      Dr. Chen gave a presentation in the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, McGill University. Thanks Dr. Gerhard Multhaup            and Dr. Jean-François Trempe for the invitation!

  • May 2021

       Our lab receives 5-year support from NSERC Discovery Grant and NSERC Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career   


  • April 2021

       Helen joined our lab! Welcome!

  • April 2021

       Congratulations to Jesse on receiving the Canderel Rising Star Summer Internship Award from the GCI!!

  • March 2021

       Our collaborative work on reviewing stimuli-responsive microneedle-array patch systems has been accepted by Materials Today!         Congratulations to the team!

  • March 2021

       Dr. Chen joined the McGill Regenerative Medicine Network (MRM Network)!  Thanks Dr. Michel Tremblay for the invitation!

  • February 2021

       Jesse joined our Lab! Welcome!

  • December 2020

       There are multiple OPENING positions in our laboratory. Click here for more information!

  • December 2020

       The Chen Lab will officially open in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute (GCI)

       at McGill University.

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